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Nutrition Tips For Weight Loss

Getting rid of those unwanted pounds just in time for summer crawls up everyone's priority list. Especially at this time of the year.

But what exactly do you need to watch? What are the secrets of nutritional sainthood? And how do I get there without breaking my budget?

On average, per day, how many calories do you consume? Do you even know? I suggest you find out.
And when you find out how many calories you consume per day I want you to shave a certain number of calories off.

That is one of the things that helped me lose 40 pounds in one summer.
An amazing weight loss nutrition program that I found happened to be one of the 3 reasons that I lost so much weight in such little time.

And...since time is not on your side this time of year. I'm guessing you would like results yesterday.
Nutrition for weight loss combines smart, slow and consistent eating. In order to effectively lose weight you need to understand what is meant by all three of these words.
Smart Eating:

A great weight loss nutrition program will always make sure that by the time you're finished you become a smart eater.

That means, those little cravings that turn into large feasts right before you head to bed will stop. Those binges of unhealthy food that seem like they are hard to resist right now ...won't be.
Slow Eating:

This was my toughest obstacle. I consume food almost as quickly as the roadrunner runs, and I had the gut to show for it, flabby arms. What helped me the most was realizing how quickly I did eat and then slowed it down.

As simple as that, this is one of the best nutrition tips for weight loss I have...

To find out my secrets on losing tons of weight! This is your last chance, before I take down the page.
Weight loss []

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Nutrition Ideas for Weight Loss

Are you looking for nutrition ideas that will help you lose weight without compromising your health? Weight loss is never an easy to thing to do especially if you have been overweight for quite a while.  There is no short cut to weight loss; the only way to achieve it in a safe manner is to cut back on your calories and to exercise more. You'll need to focus on the quality of the food you eat because it is not a good idea to indiscriminately cut back on the amount of food you consume. A drastic diet can result in lack of nutrition as well as uncontrollable food cravings. In addition, your skin will look dull and lifeless and you will also suffer from hair loss.

- Your daily food intake should have a very high percentage of low fat proteins. Seafood, chicken, pulses and tofu are good sources of protein as opposed to red meat. Protein takes longer to digest than other foods and this helps burn more calories.

- Substitute all refined carbohydrates with unrefined ones. Eat whole wheat bread and pasta, but in limited quantities. This will enable you to stay full longer and it therefore helps deal with food cravings. You won't feel the need to snack in between meals as long as the food you eat is filling.

- You need to have lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Not only do they contain lots of fiber which helps in digestion but they also provide you with the right kind of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Fiber rich foods also are helpful in preventing food cravings.

- Avoid frying your food in order to reduce your intake of fats. Stick to steaming, boiling, roasting and baking your food.

It is best to plan to lose weight gradually instead of attempting a crash diet since this ensures that you won't put weight back on again. You do need to reduce the amount of food you eat on a daily basis if you are serious about losing weight. Use the above tips to plan your daily meals in order to ensure that you get the right nutrition without the excess calories. It is also a very good idea for you to keep track of what you eat with the help of a food diary since this will prevent you from straying from your healthy food plan.

Are you looking to get more from life? can give you the nutritional advice you need.

Whether you are looking for a Dieticians or Nutritionists they have got it covered.

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Weight Loss Exercise Plan

Regardless of your commitment to lose weight in terms of the food you eat, exercise will be an essential part of your weight loss program. Consider the tips below for maintaining motivation and maximizing your potential weight loss by changing your exercise routine four times a year.

Consider consulting with an exercise professional four times a year and communicating your goals for exercise change pursuant to your losing weight goals. Many professionals offer three-session packages that are reasonably priced that will help you ascertain reasonable exercise changes that will yield continued positive results.

Keep track of your exercise routine change times with any calendar in order to give yourself a clear idea of start and stop dates for a particular exercise routine. Incorporate the use of a symbol such as a checkmark for the days during the exercise period that you actually exercise. Record your weight during the four times during the year to keep track of your weight loss goals.

If you are not satisfied with weight loss results at the end of a particular three-month period, first determine whether you missed more days of exercise during that period of time than you typically miss during a specific three-month period, as well as other outside weight loss factors such as holiday seasons before determining that the exercise routine did not work.

If your failure to meet your losing weight goals during a specific three-month period coincided with a time when you took a lot of days off from exercise, change your time of day for exercise during the next three month period. Consider partnering with someone else or scheduling training with someone you pay to further encourage yourself to stick with exercise for weight loss.

As you lose weight you should pay attention to toning your overall body with your exercise changes to maximize the benefits to your appearance from weight loss. Don't use the excuse of not belonging to a gym to avoid changing your exercise routine. A change can be accomplished by adding carrying light weights during a walk or by adding crunches to your routine.

If you find an exercise that you particularly enjoy, you do not have to omit that exercise from your routine when you make changes. Enjoying an exercise means that you're likelier to do it which will support your weight loss efforts. If you prefer a specific machine such as a treadmill or elliptical over a bicycle, don't remove activities you prefer but instead combine them with other activities you prefer less, such as splitting your cardio between treadmill and bicycle.

If you belong to a gym, consider trying out the express fitness routine that many gyms have in order to determine whether new machines or activities should be part of your next exercise routine change.
Your weight loss goals must be supported by an effective exercise routine in order to maintain your health. Use the tips above to incorporate changing your exercise routine four times a year as a means of maximizing your ability to achieve your weight loss goals.

Want to know more about diet and nutrition just visit there you might find what you are looking for.

Husin Abdullah has been writing a lot of articles about diet programs and losing weight for much different purpose. If you really interesting in losing weight and want to know more about just visit there you might find what you are looking for.

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Simple and Forward Weight Loss Advice: You Can't Lose Without It

Many people set out to lose weight, but for one reason or another fail to meet their goals. You have got to have discipline and a good plan and just stick with it! No, it won't be easy, but the health benefits are just too important to a body and you will look so much better too! Pay attention to the following five steps, you will be needing them for your new weight loss plan!

1. Focus on a weekly weight loss number. Thinking about the total amount of weight you want or need to lose may be overwhelming; break this number into a reasonable amount that you can fight for every week. Weigh yourself at the end of the week and record your progress. If you find you haven't met your goal, think back to any cheating you might have done and let that motivate you into the next week.

2. Change how you shop for food. Don't allow yourself to linger in the aisles, that can present temptations for you. Instead, write down everything you should buy and give yourself a limited amount of time in the grocery store. Adhere to your list with no deviations, even if your favorite goodies are marked down to an incredible price! If necessary, calculate the cost of the food on your list and only bring that amount of cash with you to the store.

3. Change the way you prepare foods. Cooking in butter and saturated oils can add mega calories to your meal, and most people fail to count this source. Try steaming and baking instead of pan or deep frying. Use natural spices to make thing savory and don't forget to enjoy some raw vegetables, they provide more nutrients in their natural state!

4. Eliminate soda, junk and fast food. If you are serious about weight loss, you have to be serious about changing your eating habits. Foods that are pure calories, sugar and fat will defeat all your good intentions and efforts in a single meal, so stay away from them completely. When something seems to tempting, just picture yourself on the scale at the end of the week!

5. Get working out. You need to add exercise to your weight loss plan, especially if you've got a lot of weight to lose. You can burn more fat and calories and your body needs the activity anyway to fend off things like arthritis. The key is to find an exercise program that you like, so choose wisely. If you have to force yourself into it, chances are good you won't stick with it for long. Add friends, music and invest in some nice athletic wear to keep your motivation high!

You've got to have staying-power when it comes to weight loss; make the decision to change your habits and eventually you will meet your weight loss goals. Don't deviate from your plan and each week will get a little bit easier and sometime down the line you will have met your ultimate goal!

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How Yoga Will Promote Weight Loss

If you are battling with weight gain or obesity due to unhealthy eating habits or lack of sufficient exercise, then yoga should be of interest to you. It is possible to lose weight as well as to relax by engaging in yoga. Yoga will strengthen your core, tone you up and increase your flexibility with the various poses, techniques and diets. Here is a look at a plethora of ways in which yoga can lead to weight loss.

Yogic poses (asanas)

These poses are geared towards fitting your health needs and age. A yoga instructor keeps in mind your health issues before prescribing certain yogic poses that may help you lose weight effectively. These asanas include sun salutation, shoulder stand, fish, wheel and bird poses, triangle poses among others. In addition, these poses help to check weight gain due to hormonal imbalance as well as allow the endocrine glands to run smoothly. The immune system is strengthened and indigestion and allergies are reduced by these yoga poses.

Yogic techniques

The Prana Shakti is a very effective and ancient method of balancing one's weight. This technique is void of physical movements but deals with the invocation of the life force called Prana through breath. The Prana converts into heat that burns fat and consequently weight loss. Mastering this technique takes only a few weeks of practice.

Yogic diets

Postures, poses and techniques work hand in hand with the yogic diets to lose weight effectively. Healthy eating habits, detoxifying frequently and avoiding junk and sugary foods, while eating a balanced yogic diet with lots of water intake are a must if you want to lose weight. Yoga alters your taste of food naturally, without deprivation or any effort. Yoga helps you to be in touch with your body and hence get to refrain from energy draining foods or sugars. Yoga will help you eat in a healthy manner leading to weight loss and consequently better health.

Positive mental attitude

Accepting that you have weight issues that need attention is the first step to the weight loss journey. Changing your attitude towards exercise and healthy diets in relation to your desired weight is of importance. Yoga allows for holistic thinking that integrates the whole person. It requires the presence of the body, mind, spirit and heart to have a unified way of living and a new positive attitude. This naturally controls your emotional, physical and spiritual needs and hence you are able to say no to overfeeding, laziness and poor feeding habits without strain and be on the path of losing weight.

Yoga motions

First timers who intend to lose weight should partake yoga but at small steps. Start small and grow with practice until you can withstand intense activities or poses. The intensity and aggressiveness of the superior yoga movements, act as workouts that lead to weight loss but should be carried out with care and under an instructor.

Certainly, yoga is one of the best ways to lose weight smartly and as a long term measure. You do not have to force your body to accept certain crash diets or hectic exercises but in the relaxing and meditative poses, techniques, diets, motions, and attitude change, weight loss is achievable.

If you plan to start your yoga sessions for your weight loss journey, find the nearest yogic instructors in your area at

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Health and Fitness For A Better You

It's happened to us all before. We've worked hard at the latest diet -- the Mediterranean diet, the smoothie diet, the all protein diet, the all-carb diet, the cookie diet -- losing 10 pounds, 15, even 20 pounds, only to gain it all back a few months later and then some. You've taken your health seriously. You've spent the time and money investing in all these diets and weight loss, fat burning pills, which work for a short time, but you can't seem to keep the weight off and get the toned body that the celebrities have when they do the diets and take the pills. Why is that? I'll tell you why...

It's because you take your "health" seriously. You might be astonished at what you just read. You might be thinking I thought I was supposed to take my health seriously! What do you mean by that? Well, yes, you are supposed to be conscious about your health and what goes into your body, but what about your fitness? Many people will rather get on a starvation diet than take care of the fitness aspect of the equation. Health and fitness is like peanut butter and jelly -- they just go together. Yes you can go on a diet to lose weight, but if you never exercise, and never put fitness in, you will never build muscle and be toned. Remember, having more muscle burns more calories. And yes you can work out at the gym every day or do cardio every day, but if you eat terribly that won't exactly work either.

Working on both your health and fitness is a complete contribution to your body and your wellbeing. Not only will it benefit you now, but having the proper health and fitness plan will allow you to stave off diseases and ailments such as arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease, obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure and give you a pep in your step and as well as self-confidence. Focusing on your health and fitness is not jumping on some fad diet or taking a magic pill quick fix. It's a life plan that will help you live a longer, healthier, fuller life.

Experts have always said that the best diet is the one you can stick to. And I agree. It's not about eating any one, specific food to keep the pounds off. Health and fitness is about balancing your life.

To get technical, say your goal is to lose weight. Well technically, it doesn't really matter what you eat. For example, you can eat burgers and still lose weight. Yes, I just said that. The catch is you just have to eat it in moderation. An order of burger and fries from your favorite fast food joint though is considered fatty food. So the problem there is that even if you consume the more-than-1100 calories in a Big Mac combo and are satisfied for the moment, the fact is that these foods seem to make you want to eat more. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation showed that these foods up your appetite for days after eating fatty, greasy foods. That's why experts say it's better to eat well-rounded meals to improve on your health and fitness. All in all, the message is pretty simple. Prioritizing both your health and your fitness is the only way to go. It is the roadmap for a leaner, more toned, fitter and healthier you.

For an awesome health and fitness blog check out
And if you live in the Beaufort SC area and want to get healthy and fit, go to

Ian Hart is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with 2 kettle bell certificates and a certificate in integrated stretching techniques and is an FMS specialist (among other qualifications). He has also been featured in Men's Health Magazine, on the Men's Health website, was a featured Health Expert on New York 1 News and was a guest on the Mike and Juliet Morning Show. Ian loves training, and helping people reach their fitness goals. Not just physically but also mentally.

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Break The Unwritten Rules For Successful Weight Loss

If you take a look at society today you might have noticed that there is a division of class, from the upper class, to the middle class, to the lower class. If you dig a bit deeper you find that the upper class makes up the top one-percent of society.

We all want to be in that one-percent but we do not know how to get there.
Here is a secret, the one-percent do things that everyone else does not.
That also applies to weight loss.

There are so many unwritten rules in the world today that many of them have been hampering your weight loss goals since day one.

Eat this, do not eat that, do not eat before bed, and even the terms 'breakfast', 'lunch'. 'dinner', 'snack', and even the word 'diet' have all been cast into stone by your parents and your friends and each one of those have you beating down the wrong path.

Let us take a look at the word 'breakfast.' Many of you are probably thinking of a bowl of oatmeal or cereal, maybe eggs and pancakes, or maybe bacon and French toast, and that is completely wrong. Why not have a burger patty with some asparagus and a scoop of almonds for breakfast?

From the day your parents put food in front of you they never would have thought to put a burger with a side of asparagus and nuts in front of you for your first meal of the day.

Another term that is often alienated is 'snack.'

When you hear that term you might be thinking of a hot fudge sundae, or apple pie, probably served later in the evening after you have eaten three square meals.

That is another incorrect assumption that society has spun on you.

A 'snack' really could be eaten at any time of day, and it does not have to be something sweet and fattening.

Instead of being a slice of apple pie, why not have a whole apple, or maybe a berry medley topped with honey with some walnuts, and sunflower seeds mixed in?

The whole point of this is to get you to take that book of unwritten rules and throw it away. Take the blinders off and start looking at food differently because most people have the wrong idea.

Who says you cannot eat an omelet for dinner?

Who says you cannot fish for breakfast?

You know the answer to those questions, and the answer is nobody. Do not let society's spin on food control your weight loss.

Remember, those who get ahead do things that everyone else does not.

If you found this article to be helpful then check out Eating To Lose, a free site that looks outside the box on dieting, nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle as it relates to your physical goals. There is even a free plan there to help you get started.

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Why Xyngular Ignite Works for Weight Loss

With all the hot new products on the market for weight loss claiming to have immediate results, Xyngular Ignite seems to be one of the most talked about ones. The promise of a "new you in only 8 days" with a guarantee of losing 8-15lbs or your money back has a lot of people convinced that it is just another weight-loss scam.

Ignite is basically a package of Xyngular products sold together which include their Global Blend, Xyng, and Core4 products.

Global Blend is a nutritional juice supplement containing super fruits high in antioxidants, polyphenols, anthrocyanins, and phytonutrients.

Xyng is a combination of vitamins, minerals, and herbal ingredients that have been commonly used for increased energy and appetite control.

Core4 is is made up of 4 individual products: Accelerate, Cheat, Lean, and Flush. Accelerate is basically a thermogenic fat burner. Cheat is a food sprinkle, similar to salt, but what you are sprinkling onto your food is encapsulated fiber that expands in your stomach which makes you feel fuller so you eat less food. Lean is a protein smoothie. Flush is a colon cleanse and detox.

These are all the things you get with the Ignite Fat Burning System. Everyone reading this probably already understands how using these things will cause you to lose 8-15lbs in 8 days but I'm going to walk you through the process anyways.

Day 1/2 is all cleansing, detox, and protein day. These two days are all about flushing out the bad things in your system and using protein to begin the fat burning process. You cannot eat any food these days so you're body will begin to start burning off fat. The supplements you are taking will assist you in this cleansing. Protein is a vital component so that when your body begins to burn off all the carbohydrates in your blood stream, your muscle stays in tact. Muscle tissue is essential for fat burning. During this time you'll also be breaking your bodies pattern of insulin resistance from eating too many carbohydrates.

Day 3 is an eating day. You won't be eating a big meal, just 500 calories is the recommended meal and not from a fast food joint. It is also advised that you stay away from carbohydrates and to avoid all white foods like bread, rice, flour, noodles, etc.

Day 4 is a protein only day.

Day 5 is an eating day. You'll be eating the same type of 500-600 calorie meal as day 3.

Day 6 is a protein only day.

Day 7 is the same 500-600 calorie eating day.

Day 8 is a protein only day.

At the end of these 8 days most people will find it nearly impossible to not have lost at least 8 lbs.

The reasons why it work are very simple by examining what you are required to do for those 8 days.

What you end up accomplishing in 8 days is eating less calories than your body needs, controlling your blood sugar, cleansing your system, adding protein in to preserve muscle tissue, and supplementing your body with all the vitamins and nutrients it needs.

This results in fat burning and healing throughout the body as your cells receive all their nutrients while not taking in excess calories, fats, or carbohydrates. Weight will be lost and the ripped look you see in the photos is not because people went to the gym and worked out but because they preserved the muscle tissue that was under neath the fat. As the fat begins to melt away it gives off the appearance that these people are in fit condition.

Register to receive information, reviews, and overviews on the newest weight loss products by signing up for the Innutra VIP Area. This area is by special invite only but you can access it today just for reading this article.

Weight-loss product results and reviews can be found at Innutra Reviews

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Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

It's funny. When I talk to people about switching their diet for weight loss, most fall into one of two camps. The first group tends to think about taste and refers to the dietary switch with analogies like eating shoe leather and hay. The other group mostly focuses on portion size and feels as though they will need a microscope and tweezers to eat their meal. So, what are some good, healthy foods for weight loss that are filling and taste good?

As someone who enjoys southern cooking as much as a Kardashian likes making money just for having their picture taken, switching over to healthy, fulfilling foods that work with my palate has been a gradual process. But, to my surprise, there was a plethora of foods out there that I like. Before, I was just so busy working through the crust on my fried pork chops that I didn't take the time to expand my dietary horizons.

Foods like spinach, almonds, most fruit, red beans, sweet potatoes, salmon, tuna. Some of these I liked, but mostly ignored. Others, I just didn't want to try. Now, I like them all. And, I think most people would too, if they were combined in a great recipe. If you cook, there are tons of great recipes out there using healthy foods that taste fantastic! Just let your mouse click away on the web. Research a list of healthy foods and then look for recipes that have variations of those foods and a calorie count. Then, cook and enjoy.

You may be happy to know that even lean meats, cooked properly, are perfectly acceptable in many weight loss programs. So, don't fret so much about finding and enjoying healthy foods and losing weight. If this die hard southern fried meat eater can find plenty of appealing options, I feel certain anyone can.

I still have a resistance to broccoli and some peas, but that's OK. There are plenty of healthy foods I enjoy that fit my nutritional and dietary requirements for health and weight loss. I never thought I would ever eat, much less like, spinach. Now, I love it! I have it for a salad base as well as cooked and mixed with other things for a wonderful addition to any meal. Amazing what you can do with the right spices. Don't be afraid to experiment.

The list of foods that are both healthy and suitable for a weight loss program is longer than you might suspect. So, do a little research and don't be afraid to put something new on your fork. Be happy!

With 15 years of researching and managing weight loss, Boyce Henry has some great healthy weight loss advice for anyone wishing to live a more fruitful life without all the torture of radical change.

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What Is Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

As many of you are aware of, food is a key in any weight loss program to help you lose the extra pounds. Almost all weight loss programs has some kind of diet or shakes that accompany them.

What most people don't know is that when you quit the diet or shakes provided in the program, you will go straight back to your old habits. That's because you have switched almost all food you used to get with the diet and now your body is craving for more of the old sugar, salt and fat foods you used to eat.

Healthy foods for weight loss is almost any fresh fruit, vegetables or meat. If you can manage to eat a variety of foods in each category, you will be getting enough vitamins to cover your recommended daily limit of them. Your body will then be happy and you will feel more comfortable and resistant towards eating unhealthy foods. The body is great this way.

So how can you drop the diets and not be heading back on your old unhealthy diet? Well to be able to eat healthy foods for weight loss purposes, you have to fill up your refrigerator with it.

The first thing you have to do is get rid of anything unhealthy in your refrigerator and closets to make room for healthy foods. Then go out and get to a supermarket and find any vegetable, fruit and fresh meat that you originally like. Take it back home and go search for recipes that contain the food you just got. Try and fail with the cooking of it, but set aside some time to do it. Don't rush it.

To get you going with it, try to serve it to the family or friends. Make it look really nice on the plate, and they will be happy to eat it and if done right you will get complements. This will boost your desire to even seek out more recipes to test out.

Thumb rules for making healthy foods for weight loss:

Steak: Heat up the plate to maximum capacity, put some oil in the pan and have it fried on both sides, 1-2 minutes each side.

Vegetables: There are two ways:

1. Heat up the plate to maximum capacity, put some oil in the pan and have the vegetables in there for about 5 minutes while turning them, done!

2. Cook them in a casserole with water and a little salt for about 10 minutes, stick a fork in them and if it goes through it is finished.

Hope you will enjoy healthy foods for weight loss. You will lose weight if you just buy fresh fruits, vegetables and meat and cook them yourself. Your body will enjoy it and not be craving any candy or soda anymore, but it could take some time. Enjoy the dinner you will be serving!

If you want a good diet program visit

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Making Weight Loss a Successful New Year's Resolution

Weight loss is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions, but it can also be one of the hardest to achieve and maintain if not approached appropriately. It is true many people lose weight each year as part of their New Year's resolutions, but it is also true that many of those people later gain some or all of that weight back. To make weight loss a successful goal in the new year, weight loss should be seen as creating a lifestyle change, rather than a temporary race to shed pounds.

Whether you want to lose 10 pounds or 100 plus pounds, successful weight loss is about lifestyle modifications. The key is to start slow and set realistic goals for yourself. A good place to begin is to cut down on sugar. Excess sugar in the body that does not get burned ultimately turns into fat. Maybe you know you already consume too much sugar such as sodas, desserts and snacks, or maybe you don't realize how much sugar you are really consuming. Many products contain more sugar than you realize. Read the labels of all food and drinks you consume to see how much sugar is in your regular diet. Chances are you can cut out some sugar.

Eat regularly. One mistake people make when trying to lose weight is skipping meals. This is unfortunate because skipping meals only starves the body of the healthy nutrients that it needs to regulate itself and be sufficient in losing weight. If your schedule keeps you from eating meals at regular meal times, try to carry healthy snacks to space throughout the day. Healthy snacks every few hours such as a cup of yogurt, a quarter cup of almonds, a piece of fresh fruit, or other easy healthy snacks will help you keep your metabolism on target and keep you from crashing.

If you are unsure of how to begin your weight loss program or how to stay on track, you may want to try a medical weight loss program under the care of a Board Certified Bariatric Physician. A Bariatric physician is a medical doctor who is specially trained in weight loss management and in the treatment and management of related medical conditions.

A program under a doctor's care can help you fulfill all aspects of weight loss and take into account your age, genes, medical history, metabolism, and lifestyle choices, which all play a role in weight loss and weight management.

New Year's weight loss resolutions can be frustrating but they don't have to be. With the proper guidance and support you can change the way you look and feel for a lifetime.

Learn more information about weight loss Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh spa at:

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Healthy Weight Loss - How Fast Food Effects Our American Youth

Healthy weight loss programs can benefit individuals yet the most traditional food in America; fast foods and preprocessed foods are not on the menu. Meals containing trans-fats certainly lead to a negative effect on general healthy choices, including weight. There are many side-effects due to poor nutrition such as this. Physicians report greater risk to the development of cardiovascular disease in our youth due to their food intake. Other harmful side effects reported are increase in abdominal fat, insulin resistance and body mass index.

Effects on Health:

Fast food is taking its toll on our American youth as seen in the promotion of weight gain and increasing risk to the incidence of Type 2 diabetes. Excessive calories are a significant issue with the high concentration of refined sugar and fats. The use of hydrogenated oils which are repeatedly reheated for the preparation of processed food also affects blood vessel health. It doesn't show up just in the time of youth, but grows and is a major contributor to health issues as we age.

The high concentration of compounds like sodium increases blood pressure affecting the heart. Fast food ingredients are not nutritionally balanced and lack presence of essential micronutrients. High sodium intake has been indicated in the pathology of kidney and liver diseases. Healthy weight loss and good nutrition, or health and wellness, must be initiated in the fast meal generation to lower risk of obesity and the complications that go with it.

Risk to Obesity:

The regular consumption of fast food increases risk to obesity. Chronic obesity promotes disease conditions like hyper lipidemia, heart disease and malignancy. "Approximately 30.3 percent of children (ages 6 to 11) are overweight and 15.3 percent are obese. For adolescents (ages 12 to 19), 30.4 percent are overweight and 15.5 percent are obese" according to the American Obesity Association.

Studies have indicated that regular intake of fast prepared food can add about six pounds of extra weight per year per child. The tendency to eat fast food limits the intake of healthy food in children. Obviously there needs to be a reduction in the frequency of fast food consumption to bring about healthy weight loss and good nutrition. Well balanced family meals should include foods like fruits, vegetables, dairy, whole grains and proteins by the children, teens and the rest of the family as well.

Children learn healthy choices by what they see, not by what we say.

General Health Risks:
Fast snack meals increase glycemic levels at a higher rate affecting insulin levels. The rise in insulin levels from fast food can predisposes the young to go from weight gain to obesity. Certain research studies have indicated higher risk to asthma as well. It can initiate an addictive eating behavior increasing risk to coronary artery disease and high cholesterol conditions.

High serum concentration of cholesterol can clog arteries promoting risk to cerebral and cardiovascular accidents. Excess intake of fast food in the young or old alike shifts them towards malnutrition. The deficiency of essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals occur when anyone's meals consist of fast foods, sugars and fats.

Optimum Nutrition:

Fast food meals should be replaced by natural dietary ingredients like salads, fresh fruit juices and milk. This can help cut down on fat and calorie intake. Lean meats and fish can be incorporated in food plan to provide for necessary protein intake. For vegetarians they can use combinations of beans, rice and other grains as well as tofu food products.

A high fiber diet can help achieve healthy weight loss in obese individuals. Soluble and insoluble fibers promote heart and digestive health. Whole grains, fiber cereal, certain fruits, vegetables, beans and flax can help maintain healthy weight loss programs in the young individuals. Weight loss isn't everything unless it is done with a health and wellness plan on all levels. Healthy choices is a long term success plan.

Tana Hamiter
Skype Me: nancy.tana.hamiter
Healthy Choices for Life

Healthy Weight Loss Support []

Promoting your Health and Wellness Experience goes far beyond the single issue of weight loss. For education, nutritional and life support, please check our web sites.

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Weight Control Is the Key to Looking Young

Without weight control, most people tend to gain pounds as they grow older. Teens and twenty-somethings are generally more active, so they can get away with eating more junk food. But, once we pass middle age, getting heavier is almost synonymous with getting older.

So, to stay younger-looking it makes sense to spend your effort at regaining your youthful ideal weight.

No amount of makeup or expensive clothes can really conceal a body and face that has seen better days. Why kid yourself?

Both older men and women invite behind-the-back ridicule when they try to look younger by adopting the latest fashion of youth. It just doesn't work.

Ladies, if you really want a man to sit up and take notice of you, whether as a power figure or an attractive woman, you need to conquer the tendency the majority succumb to.

You can do this. It has been done by others, so why not you?

The great thing about winning this battle with your body -- or perhaps more accurately, with our food and our sedentary lifestyle -- is that it empowers you to take on a number of other fun and lucrative challenges.

It lets you play in the big leagues, where money alone can't take you.

Living in the best shape possible, within the limits of the natural aging process, admits you to an exclusive group of achievers who recognize and respect each other instinctively. There are unspoken benefits to belong to this elite fraternity.

Those who have gained control of the aging process by exerting discipline over their eating habits and activity levels have entre' into social circles and business cadres that are inaccessible to those with only money to spend on concealing their flaws.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that weight control can also refer to maintaining or even adding some muscle to counter the tendency some of us have of becoming weaker, skinny, and frail. Working out with increasing resistance is the solution to this problem.

Those who only maintain their weight through doing regular cardio exercises like walking or running are likely to fall prey to losing the musculature they have. Maintaining vibrant health and a youthful presence takes a balance of both aspects of physical fitness: both Cardio and Weight-Bearing exercises. Yoga, Tai Chi, or other stretching and centering disciplines are also important to keep the whole package functioning smoothly.

There is a crucial psychological component to maintaining a youthful outlook, but that is outside the scope of this article. To briefly summarize it: You need a reason for living that you are passionate about.

Nevertheless, it's easy to give up and make excuses, if that's what you want to do. Just know what you'll be giving up!

Go here for a quick, sensible program to achieve Weight Control.

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Fast Weight Loss Methods That Save You Money

Fast weight loss methods come in many shapes and sizes. Most popular are diet pills and drinks -- But which brand is best?

Now that Weight Loss Season is here, it's a good time to review the information on the latest developments in weight loss aids.

Smart shoppers not only want a diet pill that works, but also important is the fact that it is 1) Healthy; and 2) Inexpensive; and 3) Part of a comprehensive System that will suppress your appetite, give you Energy to burn extra calories through exercise and thermogenesis, and allow you to eat your favorite foods, while still losing weight.

That's a tall order, isn't it?

Well, we're all busy, so it is understandable that we don't want to be trying products and spending money when we don't know whether they are safe or will even work. That's why reviews, such as this one, are so popular -- They save you time and money.

Nobody wants to learn -- after they've been taking a diet pill for months -- that it is being recalled due to some medical danger. It is a good idea to stick with products from knowledgeable, trusted sources who have our best interests at heart.

It makes sense to find a weight loss system that is doctor approved, doesn't it? Especially if it is approved and checked out by a doctor with 46 years of experience in treating the causes of weight gain -- and a familiarity with natural herbal means to correct them.

I have been following the work of one such doctor for twenty years. He is Dr. Joel Wallach, who has been called the Mineral Doctor ever since the publication of his book and audiotape called Dead Doctors Don't Lie. It was so named because, on average, U.S. physicians don't live as long as their patients.

This says a lot about the nutritional wisdom of the U.S. medical establishment, doesn't it?
Dr. Wallach has the rare distinction of having studied the nutritional deficiencies that are the source of many diseases such as obesity in both animals and humans. Interestingly, he was originally certified as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, where he saw that 900 diseases were eliminated in farm animals simply by adding a wide range of vitamins and minerals to their feed. His attempts to bring this proven innovation to the human medical community were ignored, so he decided in 1982 to seek more training and become certified as a Naturopathic Doctor, also.

Here is a doctor who understands nutrition and applies the principles he has found to work in proposing fast weight loss methods for his human patients. I have found several of his recommendations very helpful in allowing me to lose 20 pounds by controlling food cravings.

I feel sure they can help you, too.

U.S. residents may obtain a free sample and a review of Dr. Wallach's Fast Weight Loss Methods.

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Weight Loss Products: Botanical Slimming Meizitang Soft Gel Review

Botanical Slimming Can do wonders for your body, however the most credited gain is the creation of good eating habits, and the activation of many body functions that were otherwise in a not so great stage. I will show you directly 3 points to take into consideration while using this wonderful Chines that for sure will help you in your ultimate goal. I will review who can use it, then I will cover how much weight you can expect to lose with these capsules, and to finish with the precaution you have to take while using this herbal wonder.

Meizitang Soft Gel can be used by any person over 18 years old, and up to 65 years old, the person taking botanical slimming must not be in any kind of medical treatment, nor suffer any kind of disease, including liver or kidney conditions. Ladies must not be in pregnancy, nor feeding a baby. if you are not in any of the above mentioned groups you can benefit from the 100% natural components of botanical slimming while reducing your overall weight.

The amount of weight you can lose depends on many factors. One being your metabolic rate, which will be increased while taking botanical slimming. Most people using meizitang soft gel, report to have lost around four to six pounds a week, however we have seen cases in which this average is deviated to either side, having small amounts of people reducing up to 12 pounds a week, and an even smaller circle of people, which have shown no reduction at all. It is not mandatory to make any kind of workout nor going into a diet, however people how are used to either activity have reported better results than the others who just let the pill do its wonders.

You should take only one pill a day, as soon as you get up in the morning, ingest good amount of liquids or fruits with high concentration of water, like pineapple, watermelon and so on. Many people are selling botanical slimming, be sure to get your pills from a trustee supplier, who got his pills directly from a Chinese lab. Some people offer fake pills as genuine, this can only harm the health of the final customer. Real botanical slimming have the letter MZT laser engraved on each pill.

Having reviewed the facts that lie around the people who can safely use the best of the best Chinese pill, how much weight you can lose by using it, and the precautions you should have while taking botanical slimming. Now it is up to you to decide whether or not this excellent product is for you, and to take the route to reduce your overweight with a product that really works.

German Castillo is an IT consultant, webmaster of Botanical Slimming blog, having a passion to write and help other acquire success.

Get more news, tips and advices on weight loss by going now! to my botanical slimming site.

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Weight Loss - Success Is Inevitable When You Change Your Dietary Plan

No serious and authentic weight loss program can run successfully without basic change in your style of living. In other words, attitude is a prime mover in weight loss and you cannot achieve your weight loss goals without replacing your erstwhile negative habits with fresh positive ones. Remember however, that all these revised good actions must have consistency if you aspire for success. Please read on to know some of the good factors that can have a positive effect on your weight loss aspirations:

1. Check whether obesity is a hereditary factor
2. Check whether you have earlier suffered mental trauma
3. Confirm to yourself the desire to lose weight

Obesity and excess weight are the source of several problems of the health including self-confidence and stature. When you lose weight and get into shape, not only do you regain your health, but you find also that your self-confidence and self-esteem have noticeably returned. This is why most people are looking out for those miraculous weight loss methods that will burn the fat and re-invent you in a body that you can flaunt bravely on the beaches. However, can you achieve this without a regular workout regime and a balanced diet of small portions taken at 5 to 6 regular intervals a day? Starting with Cardiovascular exercises like swimming, running and walking just for 15 minutes a day, is a good start to your exercise regime.

God made every human being different and so a good Weight loss diet plan, which is good for one, may not work for the other. Moreover, the body system of each individual requires a special diet plan if you want to see success in your weight loss diet aspirations. When you perceive that your exercise regime and diet are not responding with adequate weight loss, see the expert forthwith and get your regimen revised for better results. Since each individual has a distinctive metabolism, success is inevitable when you change your dietary plan.

People are laden with so many diverse problems, which restrict their capacity to undergo a comprehensive exercise regime. Some sugar patients suffer from diabetic neuropathy, which precludes them from walking long distances, and short distances are only what they can cover. In this, any increase in walking speed will go a long way in their favor. Most good and balanced diets and exercises will see your fat burning fast and converting to lean muscle. In any weight loss program, ensure that you drink at least eight glasses of water to keep from dehydrating. Water is also a good medium to flush out the poisonous toxins from the body. Some of the strictly prohibited food items include fried foods, fast foods, pastries and sweetened carbonated drinks.

The preferred food for weight loss includes fresh vegetables and fruits, small fish, whole-grain food, and the like. Preferably, do not consume roots growing underground like Potatoes, Beetroot etc. As a thumb rule, they say that you can lose a pound a day if your calorie intake per day is within 1000 to 1500 calories.

Click here to know more about Chapel Hill NC Health Club.

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What to Look for When Checking Out Weight Loss Supplements

Getting weight loss supplements isn't like shopping for clothes. It's not the "one-size-fits-all" type and certainly not one you choose because it's expensive and everybody else uses it. Sure, popularity defines what is apparently the best but then again, not everything is always what it seems to be, especially when it comes to what you put in your body.

For one, you have to be aware of the safety risks because one wrong move could be the end of it all. The next thing you need to do is to research and gather all the information you can about a particular product before going ahead and buying it so that it won't be a total waste of your time and money. And more importantly, you have to know if it really works or not and the only way to do this is to get qualified medical advice so you can get weight loss supplements that will really work for you and help you achieve your fitness goals in no time.

So what do you need to do to find the best weight loss supplements? First, you can take advantage of all the internet has to offer because with anything and everything available online these days, you will be able to find what you're looking for with a lot of patience and only a few minutes. Second, search online for reputable sites that list down all the ingredients contained in the weight loss supplements they sell along with details about possible side effects along with the benefits of each.

Of course, finding the right sites is an exercise in trial and error but then again, this is why you need to browse through their customer testimonials and reviews because these are honest opinions of people who've actually tried and tested the products. It is also important to find sites that are run by actual experts so that you know you are in good hands and you are getting your products from people who understand what you are going through.

Next, you need to find the all-important ingredients that you must have in order to lose weight the right way. Bodybuilders are prime examples of people who need to lose weight, build up their energy and stamina and maximize their metabolism, something that weight loss supplements are supposed to do. In this light, you will need to look for those that contain calcium, fiber, conjugated linoleic acid or CLA, green tea extracts and whey protein to name a few. Calcium is said to help you lose fat while preserving muscle while fiber helps suppress your appetite by making you feel full longer because it delays gastric emptying.

CLA on the other hand, helps you lose body fat and increases lean muscle mass. It is found primarily in beef and dairy products so it is especially a helpful supplement for vegans. Green tea extract, as you know is an antioxidant that helps you lose weight primarily by adjusting resting energy usage and increasing your energy due to catechins, caffeine and theanine that it contains. Its other weight loss benefits include reducing blood pressure and bad cholesterol or LDL. And last but not the least, whey protein helps build muscle and is the easiest type of protein to digest. You'll need all your strength and power to do intense exercise routines and whey protein is the best one to help you do it.

As far as actual weight supplements go, orlistat and meal replacements like bars and shakes have been medically proven to really help you lose weight. Meal replacements can substitute for breakfast and lunch as per prescribed usage, enabling you to enjoy a portion-controlled meal of around just 500 calories. Orlistat on the other hand, blocks about 25% of calories from fats, making it an effective diet supplement and is also easily available over-the-counter which is why many people are taking to this particular supplement these days.
And to make absolutely sure you are getting safe and trusted weight loss supplements, you need to check if they carry the USP seal since the vast majority of products sold are not regulated by the FDA. Check with your doctor before taking any kind of supplement and avoid any products that contain an excessive amount of caffeine since it can cause increased heart rate and blood pressure.

The best weight loss supplements are just a click away. For a more defined physique, check out dfine 8 at and bring out a whole new you for the world to admire.

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Laxatives to Lose Weight

f you need to lose weight laxatives can be a great alternative, it's relatively inexpensive and works. So many have so many different opinions about losing weight by taking laxatives, I however when I was in the Army decided to use this approach. It worked for me and I will share with you how I did it. The first thing I did before PT was take a laxative, then we would exercise and then I would eat breakfast I then took another one for lunch and then with my evening meal. So here are some simple instructions that you can use and you may possible have to tweak it to get it customized to fit your lifestyle or needs. If you upon awakening take a laxative then have your normal meal, you will see the weight start to roll off. In order for the laxatives to work, you must devise a plan. For instance you should at least take a laxative before every meal, so if you eat three times a day then take a laxative before each of the meals that you take, that way everything you eat will be released.

You have to be sure to drink a lot of water because the bowel movements may be loose and cause you to lose body hydration. The key is to be able to take the laxatives in a safe way and be able to lose weight and maintain your body's elasticity so that it's not depleted of its natural water sources. Another way that you can use laxatives to lose weight is to simply take one in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before you go to bed. If you choose to do it this way then you need to make sure that you are prepared to be awakened in the nighttime. The main thing to know when taking a laxative to lose weight is to be sure that you have something in your system; no matter how little it is, just have something that can come out.

Now if you have suffered from constipation or have irregular bowels then, there will be no need to eat full meals, because you have accumulated waste still in your body that can be flushed with a laxative. Basically all that happens when you take laxative to lose weight is that the laxative flushes out what is left in your stomach, then goes through the intestines and gets the left overs. Now a laxative may not completely flush the lower intestine, but it will clean out enough to make your stomach flattened and the weight will come off.

So if you decide that this is the way that you want to take to lose weight then be sure that you have devised a plan, and are near a restroom, because this will make you not only lose weight but you will use the restroom too. In order to take laxatives in a healthy way it is important that they are taken in conjunction with supplements that restore important anti-oxidants to the body. Hoodia supplements help with improving the metabolic rate at which the body burns calories and restores important vitamins to the body in a healthy way.

You can start losing weight with laxatives by following the Master Cleanse Diet Instructions

David Millers reviews laxatives and recommends that they be used with healthy anti-oxidant supplements from the Master Cleanse Diet

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Transform90 Weight Loss Program: For Fast and Effective Weight Loss

Losing weight fast and in a healthy way is a dream that seems unachievable by many people. People spend thousands of dollars on weight loss programs that never work. Sadly, many companies advocating these programs are not aware that losing weight is one thing and reaching weight and maintaining it is another. Fortunately, Ardyss international fully understand this and have started transform 90 system to address the issue.

Transform90 system, as the name suggests, is a 90 day weight loss program that helps to transform your body in that period. It is an ideal program for people who have been struggling with weight gain. With some programs, losing even a pound daily is impossible. But not with this program, in fact, you can drop 3 sizes in 10 minutes. And after 15-60 days, your body will begin re-shaping itself giving you the figure you have always dreamt of.

So, what makes transform90 a unique program? Well, first things first. This program is neither about old exercise routines presented in the form of endless fitness videos nor is it about starvation diets. It is about realistic weight loss results. Sample this: Some people have lost over 50lbs in 90 days after using the program. Thus, it's simply not an ordinary program to be overlooked, but it is a healthy weight management program that has proven to work.

Transform90 system is an easy and practical approach to weight loss. In addition, it does not involve fasting at all. On the contrary, it involves eating more than five meals a day and in a healthy way. And unlike other unhealthy programs that take months to see results, this program is healthy and provides instant results. As a result, your self-confidence improves and health results as well-not forgetting the instant gratification it brings.

The program comes with a reshaping garment that provides abdominal pressure that provides support to the body while reducing weight. Additionally, it does not involve crash diets and fad diets, but instead, it brings together the essential ingredients in the form of balanced meals, delicious shakes and nutritional snacks. This helps to revitalize your body from inside-out and keeps you healthy. All you have to do is eat one balanced meal with two shakes and 3 snacks a day.

Some of the products include;

Nutri Shake: It has a variety of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and other minerals which jump-starts your metabolism and satisfies the hunger thus reducing the oxidative stress of fat burning.

Thermogen Tea: Helps to restore your body natural balance and triggers one of the most effective methods of losing weight-thermogenesis.

Le'Vive Green: This juice, extracted from the world's top herbs including Aloe Vera, Thistle and Senna leaves, helps to detoxify your body thus promoting liver, kidney and heart health.

Green 29: It has various plant extracts that work as fat emulsifier and boosts the metabolism of fat, ideal for weight loss.

These are just some of the products. The program provides you a good choice of healthy products and snacks which you can customize to your own flavor and have fun.

Well, if you decide to change your life and get healthy-reaching your ideal weight and figure-I would recommend joining the transform 90 program. Furthermore, it's only 90 days to a healthier lifestyle and a more confident you. Take action and change your life both inside-out and outside-in.

James loves to write reviews of various weight-loss programs based on an internet research. He is readily available to write weight-loss related content for your blog or for anything else. Additionally, he is available to write any web content as long as users will find it useful. Order his services at

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Why Hypnotherapy For Weight Loss Produces Lasting Results

Losing weight is something that unfortunately does not come easy for some. Some people succeed in shedding those extra pounds, but after a while, lose control again and find themselves back where they started. But there are also some who give up suddenly in the middle of their programme because they feel that none of the dieting or the exercising is producing any positive results.What you must always remember is that weight loss begins with what you THINK and BELIEVE. The common belief is that dieting and exercising will ultimately result in weight loss. But why don't they work for other people? There are three possible reasons why exercise, pills or diet programmes don't work for you.

One is emotional eating. So many people who aim to lose weight often carry negative emotions about the way they look. If they start on a diet or an exercise programme and they feel that it is not working, they get frustrated and it will then lead to more extreme reactions like hopelessness, insecurity or anger. With these emotions, they tend to binge or gorge on too much food, allowing the weight they lost to build up again. So no matter how much you exercise, if you binge on too much unnecessary food at the end of the day, then your workout will be useless. Another one is misconceptions.

One of the typical reasons why diet programmes don't work is because of the false 'belief' that the results of diets are permanent. Some people, once they've lost weight, tend to go back to their unhealthy habits. You must always remember that diets need continuous maintenance in order for the results to stay, thus nearly all diets fail to create lasting results.

Because of these factors, losing weight proves to be a difficult feat. But that's where hypnotherapy for weight loss comes in. This method of losing weight involves the use of hypnosis or delving deep into your subconscious mind. Once this is done, your mind becomes re-programmed to turn whatever negative feelings you have about yourself or about your eating habits into positive ones. Now that your views towards your body and yourself in general have changed, you are more in control and it is therefore much easier for you to overcome the obstacles to successful weight loss stated above.

The remarkable thing about the use of hypnosis for weight loss is that it can guarantee lasting and enduring results more than the other traditional methods of weight loss. This is because weight loss hypnotherapy focuses first and foremost on your perspective on what you are about to do. Choosing hypnotherapy for weight loss will guarantee to provide you with a different but effective kind of motivation to achieve your goals.

Moreover, hypnotherapy for weight loss produces lasting results because your mind has been conditioned and taught how to direct itself towards the goal and ignore the distractions. So long after your treatment is done, you still won't revert back to your old habit and gain weight because your mind has learned how to control itself.Also, the empowering and positive tools and techniques used in hypnosis will not only benefit your views about your body, it can also transform your overall outlook in life.So if losing weight, appearing more confident and being in a positive mood sounds appealing to you, then hypnotherapy is by far the safest solution.

Copyright (c) 2012 Adam Cumberland's London Hypnotherapy Clinic

Find out more about using hypnotherapy for weight loss, Visit Harley Street Hypnotherapist Adam Cumberland's website at

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Meal Timing May Affect Weight Loss, Study Says

A new study conducted in Spain and published in the International Journal of Obesity suggests there is a correlation between when you eat and how successfully you lose weight. As it turns out, meal timing is almost as important as what's for dinner.

Background Information

There are a few relevant bits of information that research has already told us about meal timing and its effect on weight loss.

First, eating a meal soon after waking up helps to jump start your metabolism. By skipping breakfast, your metabolism is forced to start conserving calories instead of burning them.

Spreading your calories out throughout the day also increases your metabolic rate because you're forcing your metabolism to stay active. We know, for example, that eating 2, 300 calorie meals a few hours apart is far better than eating 1, 600 calorie meal in the same amount of time even if you end up eating the exact same things.

The Study

Marta Garaulet and Dr. Frank Scheer, who is the director of the medical chronobiolosy program at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, recorded the progress of two separate groups participating in a 20-week weight loss regiment. The first group, dubbed the "early eaters," ate lunch before 3 p.m. while the second group, dubbed the "late eaters," ate lunch after 3 p.m. (In Spain, it is common for lunch to be the largest meal of the day, comprising approximately 40% of their daily caloric intake.)

The Results

The researchers found that the first group, the "early eaters," lost 25% more weight than their counterparts in the "late eaters" group. The researchers did not notice a difference in weight loss based on when participants ate breakfast and dinner.


Garaluet and Dr. Scheer controlled for other factors that lead to weight loss like energy expenditure (exercise levels), what the participants ate, appetite hormones, and sleep patterns so there was no significant difference between the two groups.


The nature of this study was observational, meaning it cannot imply causation, it can only show a correlation.

To imply causation, the researchers would have to randomly assign participants to two or more groups and then change the independent variable accordingly.


The study mentioned several possible explanations for these results. First, you have a biological "clock" that regulates your internal organs. If you're eating a large meal later in the day when your metabolism is getting ready to slow down, those extra calories may stay with you longer than you'd like. Another possible explanation cited is that for whatever reason, participants in the "late eaters" group had a smaller breakfast or no breakfast more often than the "early eaters." The authors suggested that some people may be more genetically wired to eat later in the day, which could disrupt their internal timing.

The most important thing for you to do is to eat a large breakfast. You'll ultimately consume fewer calories throughout the day and your metabolism will work hard all day long to burn those calories.

If possible, avoid eating a large dinner, especially if you go to bed soon afterwards. Instead, try shifting your calories towards earlier meal times. For example, eat 100 extra calories for breakfast, lunch, and have a larger mid-afternoon snack than usual. Also, load up on fruits, vegetables, and lean meats at dinner. They're filling, easy for your metabolism to handle, and low-calorie options.

Eating at the right time is easy with this meal plan. You'll learn when to snack and how large your meals should be to keep your metabolism running strong all day long!

For more easy to understand information about nutrition, fitness, general well-being, and simple every day substitutions, visit

Thanks for reading!

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Weight Loss Essentials - What You Need to Know

Body weight really matters and it affects you in more ways than your appearance. Lots of people are unhappy with their present body weight. Many aren't sure on how to change it and end up being deceived by the wrong information. Wouldn't it be nice if you can increase your self esteem and improve your overall quality of life, health and physical abilities? You can then imagine all the positive effects and advantages from weight loss solutions.

Losing weight is a bit tricky and extremely challenging for some people. It simply means being at the right weight at the right age or height. It definitely requires discipline and effort. It is also all about long term success.

Proper knowledge is the first step to weight loss. You need real facts before considering any other approach. There are a lot of things that others would tell you but not all of them may be true. For instance, the weight loss pill, we have to realize that a pill can never help you lose weight instantly. They may even contain chemicals that could bring some negative effects to your overall health.

Weight loss advisors would normally advise you to starve yourself. It will definitely show reduced physical features but then again, we are more concerned about the overall health if you are to achieve successful weight loss. You don't have to avoid carbohydrates or fats completely; the idea is to keep it balanced. You might want to increase you fiber intake, which means more fruits and green foods. Try to break meals into smaller ones to help speed up metabolism and keep you from getting too hungry in between meals. Try not to eat before bedtime since your body burns less fat when you're asleep. Most of all, be conscious of you cholesterol level and decrease your fat intake.

Any form of physical activity and sports on a regular basis can definitely help. A person who moves all the time burns more calories and fats than those who always relax. It doesn't mean that you have to be a pro in a fitness gym. Just get moving. It's just a matter of burning calories than what you eat. Adding some weight training to your routine is highly recommended since increasing muscle mass helps increase metabolism allowing you to burn calories while at rest.

In summary, the basics for a healthy weight loss are a combination of a balanced and properly prepared diet and enough exercise. These are some of the sacrifices as considered by some, which could greatly improve our living and even the habits of the people around you. All it takes is patience, awareness and self discipline and before you know it, fats are gone, wellness is achieved.

Know more about weight loss and live a healthy life.

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Effective Weight Loss Strategies

We are a nation that is obsessed with dieting. Statistics indicate that 50% of all American women are on a diet at any given time. The percentage of men dieting is 25%. Americans spent over 70 billion dollars in 2011 on weight loss related services and products. Approximately 95% of all dieters regain all the weight they lost within five years. Diets don't work. It is lifestyle changes that will help you to lose the weight in a healthy and permanent way. Chronic dieting in fact, can lead to serious health complications and even slow down your metabolism.

Before beginning any diet it is always a good idea to get a complete physical from your medical provider. Sometimes weight problems can be linked to underlying disease such as diabetes. One of the simplest techniques is to continue eating foods that you enjoy. The deprivation technique of most diets backfires on people. You will eventually give in to the cravings and spiral into overeating. You should think about the foods that you love and simply reduce the amount that you purchase and consume. For example, if you enjoy chocolate chip cookies you should still have a few throughout the week. This can be your "reward" snack. The concept is simple to follow. You will be able to satisfy your cravings and prevent binge eating. Just choose wisely and select a few of your favorite foods.

Mini-Meals: We are a culture that believes in consuming three large meals. But this eating style puts extra stress on our digestive system. It is far better to eat smaller meals that are nutritionally balanced. Your body will be able to metabolize the food more readily and you will also have increased energy throughout the day. You will lessen the likelihood of being hungry and eating things that are bad for you. For example, a breakfast could be a cup of oatmeal with raisins and honey. A mid morning snack could be fruit and yogurt. A small lunch could be a few ounces of turkey with cheese. The idea is to eat small meals that will provide you with the nutrients you need. Stay hydrated: Drinking lots of pure clean water helps you to lose weight. Whenever you feel hungry start by drinking a glass of water. You may simply be dehydrated. If it's hard for you to drink plain water you can add herbal tea. Brew and chill for a delicious calorie free beverage.

Protein is important: Many people avoid protein when trying to lose weight because they think it is too high in calories. This is simply not true. Of course, eating fattening red meats are high in calories. But proteins such as turkey, chicken and white pork are lean and low in calories. A 6 ounce portion of roasted turkey breast is less than 200 calories. There are many success stories of people who follow high protein diets and take off the weight. You have to balance your protein intake with adequate amounts of complex carbohydrates as well. Avoid simple carbohydrates which are sugar and white flour products. An ideal protein rich meal could be chicken with roasted vegetables and wild rice. Protein snacks include nuts, cheese and yogurt. Protein helps to preserve muscle mass. If you avoid protein when dieting you will lose muscle and feel tired and weak. Protein also helps your body to burn fat and improves the effectiveness of your metabolism.

Healthy Fiber: Fiber is effective for weight loss. Women should aim for 25 grams daily and men approximately 40 grams. You can find fiber in foods such as whole grains, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables. Fiber helps the digestive process and lowers your cholesterol. Increase your fiber intake for your health as well as for weight loss. Spices: Hot spices have been shown to speed up the metabolism and help in weight loss. Spices help to flavor foods and reduce the caloric levels of the foods you eat. Instead of adding fattening ingredients like butter and cheese, try adding some delicious spices like garlic, turmeric, cilantro, parsley and cayenne pepper.

Adequate Rest: If your body is stressed or you don't get enough sleep it will be harder for you to lose weight. Your body produces a hormone called leptin when you have enough rest. Leptin helps you to feel full and satisfied after eating. A decrease in this hormone can leave you feeling hungry even after eating. So make sure to get consistent and sufficient sleep. If you are under a great deal of stress you need to find constructive ways to deal with it. Prolonged stress can have devastating effects on your health and well-being.

These are some effective general guidelines for losing weight. When undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes, always consult with your medical provider especially if you have been diagnosed with any disease or are taking prescription medication.

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By Tina C. Loren

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Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

Cobalamin or as it is better known, is one of the vital nutrients our bodies need in order to work properly. It is necessary to perform many of the body's more important tasks, including the making of DNA during cell division and the healthy formation of red blood cells.

B12 is known as the "energy vitamin" because it gives a real energy boost. It is used to remedy fatigue and it speeds up the metabolism. Red blood cells are also responsible for producing hemoglobin, the part of the blood that takes oxygen from the lungs and transports it to all the different parts of the body.
It has many functions and uses but does it help people lose weight?

What is the link between Vitamin B12 and weight loss?

Vitamin B12 Injections and Weight Loss

Some people might go to a clinic to get shots. These shots are administered directly into the muscle, allowing for better absorption. People who get these shots mainly suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or a deficiency. They might also claim that taking these shots help them to lose weight.

However, injections by themselves do not directly induce weight loss, nor are they intended to. So why do people who get them lose weight?

There are many factors to take into consideration.

B12 causes the metabolism to speed up, which in turn increases weight loss. People who go to get injections tend to be more conscious of their health and are already on a vegetarian, or other weight loss diet.
Shots give a tremendous boost of energy. This generally helps people to maintain their diets, and motivates them to exercise and increase physical activity. Vitamin B12 also helps to fight stress and depression, symptoms which are sometimes associated with weight gain.

While the shots can be a great benefit to some, particularly those with a B12 deficiency, there can be some negative side effects when taken excessively or along with certain other substances. There is also a risk for those who have certain pre-existing conditions. It's important to consult a physician before undergoing injections.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Deficiencies can become a serious health threat. The body can normally stock up many years supply of vitamin B12, so it more often materializes when the body is unable to properly absorb vitamin B12 because of illness or old age. Incidentally, deficiencies can cause weight loss, among other symptoms. Extreme cases can even result in permanent nerve damage if left untreated.

A person diagnosed with a B12 deficiency will need to take supplements. These are most often taken as capsules or via intramuscular injections. Although vitamin B12 does not directly cause weight loss, it is still an essential nutrient that is needed by the body. It is important to get a sufficient amount of it and doing so will ensure better health, all around.

Vitamin B12 and Dieting

When undergoing any new weight loss program it is important to make sure that the diet is well balanced and contains all of the essential nutrients. This of course includes vitamin B12 and other essential nutrients.

Food sources rich in B12

Meat, Poultry, Milk and other dairy products, Eggs, and Fish
Since the only reliable source of vitamin B12 are from animals those practicing a vegetarian or vegan diet will have to get theirs from supplements. If a person doesn't get enough they may develop a deficiency.

I tried everything to lose weight including vitamin b12 [] and never had much luck until I discovered this simple weight loss system and I was able to lose over 42 pounds you can learn more by visiting Healthy Weight Loss Project

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Why Weight Loss After Pregnancy Is Essential

Weight loss after pregnancy is an omnipresent concern among all young moms. Losing weight while pregnant is perhaps a bigger concern among the women who are having their first child. Those who have had kids before would perhaps be in a better frame of mind to tackle the problem of weight loss after pregnancy. Losing weight after pregnancy is highly essential and should not be looked into with any casual perceptions.
Here are three reasons why weight loss after pregnancy is important.

Emotional Distress

Pregnancy is a beautiful phase of a woman's life. However, the intricacies are far more complicated. There are hormonal changes, weight gain, increased metabolism and a plethora of other biological developments. The female body withstands so much during the blessed nine months and a few months after delivery that emotional stress is only natural. The joy of having a child is juxtaposed with emotional stress and distresses. Losing weight during pregnancy is not always possible since you are likely to gain anywhere from 15 to 30 pounds during the phase. A small amount of this gained weight should be off in only a few week's post birth. However, the remaining weight can be a cause for emotional distress. All the more reason weight loss after pregnancy is so important.


While an extra 10 to 15 pounds may not sound alarming at all, it is the further weight gain that should be of more concern. It is only natural for a woman to look less slim than how she was prior to her pregnancy but one should focus on avoiding further weight gain. For millions of moms across the world, it has been seen that rather than losing weight after pregnancy, they have gained further weight. This happens predominantly because, the instant weight loss after pregnancy is mostly in the form of losing water from the body and not necessarily fat. Now, the mother may feel that she is losing weight after pregnancy and would be incited to not care much about her diet and lifestyle. This can trigger a weight gain problem which could easily trigger obesity. It is common for a mom to care for her newborn round the clock during the first year or so and weight loss after pregnancy can skip the mind completely. Losing weight after pregnancy and preventing further weight gain should be a joint objective.

Medical Conditions

Often, weight loss after pregnancy is difficult owing to certain medical conditions or medications. Young moms should consult their doctors to know if that is the case. Losing weight after pregnancy can also prevent further health ailments which would be unavoidable with decreased mobility and obesity.

For more articles and a review of a weight loss system that works for women, NOT a diet program, please visit Weight Loss After Pregnancy

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Identify the Best Weight Loss Programs

If you need to lose weight, you may be shopping for the best weight loss programs to help you accomplish that. With all of the advertising for diet plans, it can be awfully confusing to try to choose the best weight loss programs from among all the claims of success. We will attempt to clear up the confusion and help you to find the best weight loss programs from amid the hype.

What the best weight loss programs claim is that if you follow their program you will lose weight. It takes hard work, eating right and exercising to accomplish true and lasting weight loss. Avoid products that claim miraculous results. False testimonials and miracle claims will only cause you to be frustrated that you were duped out of your hard earned money. While there are pills and powders that you can use in conjunction with a sensible eating plan that can jump start your diet and speed up your metabolism to help burn fat. Take these claims with a grain of salt, and don't rely on them to succeed with losing weight. You need to exercise to burn calories and fat. Eating right and exercise will give you largely the same results as any pill or powder. Some of the supplements that make these claims have unregulated and potentially harmful ingredients; so use caution and consult a medical professional before you drop a wad of cash on something you really don't need.

The best weight loss programs make sense. Logical and sensible programs are what you need to be successful in your plan to lose weight. Avoid fads and gimmicks. While they might work in the short-term, you are in danger of gaining back any lost weight once you return to your normal way of eating. The trick (and it's not a trick) is to retrain yourself and change your eating habits. Eliminate the junk foods, sweet cereals, sodas and desserts, and get rid of the high-sodium habit. Practice eating fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables, whole grain, lean protein and low fat dairy. Find your target weight, target calorie intake and get yourself on an exercise regimen to burn those extra calories and fat.

Finding the best weight loss programs amid the advertising is easy if you know what to look for. Avoid falling for false advertising claims and find the best weight loss programs that will set you on a sensible diet and moderate exercise regimen to lose those excess pounds.

Kate Trillin is a freelance writer who specializes in proper nutrition, weight loss programs [], and healthy living. She has been an avid health enthusiast for the past 5 years, and has recently ventured into the world of online publishing in an effort to reach a wider

audience. Her writing focuses on providing tips and useful information on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. You can read more health-related articles from her blog or download a free eBook, which will teach you how you can live and eat healthy.