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Fair Oaks, CA Sciatica Issues Helped With Chiropractic Therapy

By Andre Ferlo

Sciatica exists in several different recognized forms, but all involve pain in the lower extremities generated by restricted or pinched nerves. The lower spinal vertebra may slip out of their proper position, weaken due to injury or activity, or undergo degeneration. A Fair Oaks chiropractor corrects sciatic symptoms without invasive surgery or additional drugs.

The pain may be intermittent, or a sharp, stabbing sensation accompanied by decreased mobility and tingling extremities. Analgesic medications help in the short term, but many sufferers require more extensive solutions. Chiropractic offers a different approach to sciatica that avoids the long-term use of pain medicines or invasive surgical procedures.

The chiropractic philosophy regarding sciatica and related problems is holistic in nature. It sees the human body as a single, unified organism that responds to trauma in any physical system, rather than a grouping of independent organs. Issues affecting the vertebra and interior nerves of the spine may generate additional trouble elsewhere.

Rather than simply prescribing additional medication, chiropractors seek to correct poor spinal alignment through a series of gentle adjustments designed to move individual vertebra into a better position. When the pressure on primary nerves is gradually reduced, painful symptoms are often relieved, and spinal movement improves as well.

In addition to adjustments, chiropractors also utilize cold and ice therapies helpful in reducing inflammation, as well as ultrasound useful in easing stiffness, swelling, and deep muscle cramps. Some also employ specially designed electrical transcutaneous units that are used to administer current, helping control pain and make movement easier.

Sciatica is not a single disease, but a symptom that often responds to changes in personal health practices. Chiropractors present information and help devise plans to help people reach optimal weight, improve nutrition, and begin exercising. In combination with spinal adjustments, changes in lifestyle help provide long-term relief from the agony of back pain.

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