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Following A Car Accident Pain Sufferers Get Relief With The Help Of A Warners Bay NSW Chiropractor

By Lilia Slaybaugh

An individual may seek help to relieve the pain for numerous reasons. It could be whiplash resulting from an automobile accident. A subluxation of the spine or a strained muscle might be the cause. A leading Warners Bay Australia Chiropractor is available to alleviate the pain an individual is suffering from.

The spine extends from the base of the skull to the tailbone and is made up of small hollow bones called vertebrae. The spinal cord runs through the openings in these hollow bones. The spinal nerves stem from the spinal cord to innervate the entire body.

If a single vertebra is subluxated, or misaligned, it may press against one of these nerves and cause pain. It can range from mild to extremely excruciating. A person can be so consumed by the pain that he or she is unable to work.

The chiropractor provides care to relieve that hurt. Spinal adjustments are a successful method for lessening it. The spine is gradually returned to the correct position. This reduces the pressure against the nerve and pain is alleviated.

The first step during an office visit is to examine the client and devise a care plan. The back is examined physically. If that is not conclusive, an x-ray may be ordered. A medical history is taken as well.

Following a comprehensive evaluation, the chiropractor will suggest a viable care plan. It will be explained and a series of appointments will be made for the necessary spinal adjustments, as needed. Each client improves at her or his own pace depending on age, severity and response time.

In addition to the subluxation of one or more vertebrae, joints, muscles, ligaments and cartilage may be contributing to the hurt. Mild exercises may be done at home between appointments. Nutritional counseling has been helpful for many clients. Ultimately, the goal of care is to prepare a client to return to his or her job and recreational activities previously enjoyed.

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