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Finding Out More About Cellular Healing

By Essie Osborn

Healers are beginning to realize today that the human body has a great ability to heal itself. This fact is being explored by many health practitioners, from homeopaths to endocrinologists and other medical professionals. They are discovering just how much suppressed emotions can affect cells at a chemical level and why cellular healing is so important.

Stress, whether it comes from a traumatic event, daily difficulties or a number of other factors, causes certain chemical reactions in the body. Chemicals flow into the bloodstream and straight to receptors in cells. This can cause blockages in a cell, resulting in degeneration. A cell loses communication with other cells and is unable to function normally. The damage is then transmitted to new cells being formed before the old damaged cells die.

Cells are able to retain information from the past such as emotional wounding from rejection, abuse and humiliation. The retention of these cell memories, can eventually result in a particular organ becoming diseased. Illness may also be experienced more systemically too, affecting more than just one organ. The whole body can be affected, such as when the immune system is compromised.

Healing is complex and there are no formulas that can be applied to exactly how long it takes to happen. Some results are spontaneous but most come through a disciplined approach. The cells in the body, for example, all regenerate at different rates. Practitioners work together with the natural timing of the body. They basically help the client to deal with any issues and open them up to allow energy to flow through them so that the body can work at its best.

A human being does not just consist of a body. Emotional and mental wounding has to be addressed too for complete wholeness to be obtained. Simply addressing physical symptoms is not enough to bring about complete and permanent health.

Numerous health practitioners are now offering these services. They help clients on their journey to discovering the root causes of their health problems and assist them in the self healing process. Their approaches and tools they use vary considerably. It is important to find a practitioner who has some experience and preferably one who has testimonials from many satisfied clients.

Sessions usually last about an hour and the number required varies, according to the problems experienced by the client. The reaction to therapy varies too, with some individuals feeling energetic whilst others may feel sleepy. Some people experience fairly quick results and others need to attend a number of sessions before they report significant results.

Current research is revealing how thought patterns affect body chemistry. It is even demonstrating how the immune system can be suppressed by thought patterns. If you want to learn how to heal yourself and clear away any blockages in your cells, there are those who can help you on your journey. You will be able to reach a place where the relationship between your mind, body and emotions is a healthy one.

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