Do you think that these are the best solution for your problem?

You Already Know About The Health Benefits Of Taking A Daily Multivitamin.

By See Ball

In fact, many multivitamins might just kill you. That's right. While multivitamins have often been touted as miracle pills that will transform your body into the healthy and vibrant figure that you've always dreamed of, recent evidence has aroused doubt over these claims.

This article is directed toward finding the best multivitamin for women who are below their 40's, where they are in their child-bearing years and sexually active as well as for those over 40 and are in their menopausal years. Here are three important ingredients that good multivitamin supplements for women should have.

Calcium d-glucarate is an essential mineral that is a form of glucaric acid combined with calcium. It is commonly found in fruits and vegetables. It is helpful in aiding the body remove toxic and harmful substances in the body.

The confusion resulting from traditional beliefs clashing with the ever-increasing body of studies like the one above that warn of the dangers of supplements makes life tough for consumers. In fact, some scientists and nutritionists further add that the intent for taking multivitamins matters as well. The results may differ depending on whether a woman is taking them to fight off an existing disease, or whether she is taking them to simply improve her overall health and well-being. Despite this lack of clarity, it seems that consumers are still lining up at the vitamin shop to purchase more of these supplements. A 2003 study conducted by the National Institutes of Health stated that approximately half of all people in the United States are taking some type of supplement, with this consumption having led to almost $20 billion in profits for the supplement providers.

Enteric coating is essential in a high-quality supplement. What enteric coating does is it protects the specialty nutrients from your stomach acid, which has been shown to destroy fragile nutrients like resveratrol and diminish the amount that is absorbed by your body.

It also helps control symptoms associated with menopause like hot flashes, depression, vaginal dryness, and sweating. Even lactating women are sure to benefit from chaste berry extract as it actually promotes flow of breast milk.

As an example, many women take multivitamins that contain 100% of their needed daily value of vitamin A. However, they also get a dose of vitamin A every morning when they eat their bowl of fortified cereal, pushing them over the recommended daily dosage of this vitamin.

Aside from these three ingredients, you need to make sure that the multivitamin you choose contains all the nutrients you need from vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, herbal extracts, antioxidants, and other nutrients to ensure that all the body's needs are met. You also need to choose one that is made with natural ingredients to ensure maximum benefits.

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