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Finding Reliable Arthritis Pain Relief

By Paulette Short

Worn-out joint cartilages cause extreme pain because of the resulting friction between bones. This has lowered the quality of life for many patients. Finding the ideal arthritis pain relief has been elusive and led many to unreliable options proposed by quacks. Natural options offer the best alternative because of their long lasting effect. They keep victims away from such proposals as shark cartilages, snake venom and copper fittings.

Body weight determines the pressure that is exerted on knees. Maintaining an optimum weight means that one is healthier and no part of the body is strained by the excess weight. Researchers have recorded disappearance of symptoms when patients shed between ten and twenty pounds. It is an indication of a healthier lifestyle and makes the body manageable in all situations.

The body requires regular exercise to remain healthy and alleviate discomfort around joints. The exercises proposed by experts include regular gym workouts, swimming and walking around the neighborhood. Other exercise variations include isometric, isotonic and aerobic exercises. Strength training is also required while some patients are advised to use even surfaces to prevent aggravation of the inflammation.

Among the known natural remedies is acupuncture whose popularity is increasing by the day. It protects the victim from disability which is as a result of an aggravated condition. Patients suffering from osteoarthritis will find this procedure very helpful. The effectiveness of this method of treatment does not apply evenly in all conditions. Supplements such as glucosamine are recommended and should be taken in the right dosage.

Supplements such as chondroitin have been associated with slowed arthritis progress. This is one of the solutions that are still under investigations. Supplements containing fish oils have given positive feedback. The oils have anti inflammation properties that are beneficial to the body. Rose hips and ginger have also been linked with a certain degree of success. More studies and trials by independent bodies are required to ascertain the assertions by marketers.

Topical rubs and creams have been developed to offer a solution to arthritis. The products are available over the counter or by prescription. They are mainly available in diclofenac gel. Uniform results have not been achieved from the use of this product. The effectiveness depends on the condition of the individual and the advancement of the disease. Other firms are using capsaicin which utilizes the heat in pepper to sooth the inflammation. More trials are being conducted on the supplements.

Electric therapy has gained popularity among patients. It is applied selectively on the affected parts. It utilizes electromagnetic current through a process called transcutaneous electrostimulation. Another variation of this process is acupuncture electrostimulation that transmits current using the needles on specific areas. The relief is temporary and protects the joint from stiffness.

Other reliable arthritis pain relief mechanisms include chiropractics, physical therapy and use of such assertive devices as canes, special shoes and splints. These devices distribute body weight away from joints. Being informed about the condition allows a person to take greater precaution to control swelling and inflammation. This will keep the individual healthy with minimum medical assistance.

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