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beetroot juice benefits and blood presure


Beets are a fabulous root vegetable and the benefits of beet juice are plenty. Beets have been used traditionally to heal people.beets

One of the major benefits of beet juice it that it contains a color pigment called betalain. This is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, fungicidal and aid in detoxification substance. There is research that indicates that betalain may exhibit anti-cancer activity.Betalains may occur in any part of the plant, including the petals of flowers, fruits, leaves, stems, and roots.

Beetroot juice is one of the richest dietary sources of antioxidants and naturally occurring nitrates. Nitrates are compounds which improve blood flow throughout the body – including the brain, heart, and muscles. These natural nitrates increase a molecule in the blood vessels called nitric oxide, which helps open up the vessels and allows more oxygen flow as well as lower blood pressure.


Drinking beet juice helps people in another way. 
Translational Science Center researchers at Wake Forest University found that drinking beetroot juice creates perfusions, or blood flow, to the brain. 

This is because beets contain a high concentration of nitrates, which allows blood to flow to the white matter of the frontal lobes, an area of the brain that is associated with dementia and other cognitive abilities, according to a report published online in Jan. 2011 in "Nitric Oxide." Another benefit of beet juice is that it is loaded with antioxidants. 

Antioxidants help protect you against diseases, but science does not yet fully support oft-reported claims that beet juice prevents liver disease and colon cancer.

The dark carotenes of beet juice may give your urine and bowel movements a red color. This color change is harmless. Since beets are high in oxalates, people who tend to make oxalate kidney stones may want to avoid beet juice


Andrew Jones and other researchers at the University of Exeter's School of Sport and Health Sciences, discovered that drinking beet juice gives your body a stamina boost allowing you to exercise longer and burn more calories. 

The team conducted a small study in which eight men drank 500mL of beet juice for six days before undergoing a cycling-based endurance test. On average, they were able to cycle for 92 seconds longer then they previously could, according to the results of the study, which was published in the August 2009 "Journal of Applied Physiology." The effect was greater in those who drank beet juice compared to those who had done regular endurance training only. Beet juice may increase a person's ability to exercise by up to 16 percent.


Beet roots are high in folic acid and manganese. The green leafs are high in vitamin A (127% RDA), Vitamin C (50% RDA), vitamin K (500% RDA) as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper and magnesium, sulfur, silica and choline


Red beetroot juice is very powerful, and you may feel dizzy as the juice helps eliminate toxins from your body. It is important to start drinking red beet juice in small amounts as your body slowly starts to become accustomed to it. Another normal and harmless side effect is a red color to your urine orstool. More serious side effects include kidney stones, fevers, rashes and a tightening of the vocal cords that may make speaking difficult. You should consult your doctor before drinking beet juice.