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Act Now And Get This Best Multivitamin For Women

By Ody Foladare

Truth be told it can be difficult to find the time to eat all the healthy foods we should. Over time, this lack of nutrition can lead to poor immune function, constant fatigue, and overall, just feeling lousy.

This is why several leading nutrition experts, including those from the American Medical Association and Harvard School of Public Health, recognize the importance of taking a daily multivitamin-multimineral supplement.

At this stage, the predominant hormonal activity is that of estrogen and with commencement of menstruation, the need for multivitamin intake becomes even more necessary. The packed cell volume (PCV) of a woman at this age should be maintained at about 35% to 45%. However, monthly menstrual flow sometimes reduces the packed cell volume (PCV) of most women far below the lower range exposing them to anemia.

People who live an especially stressful lifestyle, anyone who gets sick often and those who feel poor and run down more than they feel alive and alert will also benefit. Vita-Lea is supported by seven clinical studies, has over 340 quality control tests conducted every time Vita-Lea is made to guarantee purity and potency, is 100% guaranteed, and has a superior formulation compared to other leading multivitamins.

Another type of vitamin beneficial for young women is those multivitamin with high folic acid content. The practice is that, women who plan to bear children should include folic acid vitamins in their consumption.

Women in childbearing years should look to the future when choosing best multivitamins. For example taking calcium can prevent osteoporosis and bone loss later in life. Women in this life stage who intend to have children should also look for multivitamins with at least 400 mcg of folic acid, since folic acid prevents birth defects. I had already mentioned that, due to menstruating, women need vitamins that contain iron to replace it loss. This is especially important for women that have prolonged or heavy menstrual bleeding or those with menstrual disorders.

For a woman's unique nutritional needs, GLA Complex, OsteoMatrix, Stress Relief, and Menopause Balance Complex work along with Vita-Lea to provide extra support. Many women, to help maintain a sense of calm and well-being during their monthly menstrual cycle, use GLA Complex.

GLA an omega-6 fatty acid that helps our bodies form prostaglandins-potent, hormone-like substances that help the body to regulate many normal bodily processes such as the flow of blood, and has been made to be easily absorbed.

In fact, in modern medical practice, pregnant women are encouraged to take daily folic acid through out the duration of the pregnancy and even several weeks after birth.

Working mothers between the ages of 25 and 40 report the greatest amount of stress. Although, nearly half of all Americans between the ages of 18 and 49 experience everyday stress.

Older women are at a stage in life where estrogen exposure no longer exists as they approach menopausal. At this stage, they no longer menstruate, so the monthly blood loss is no longer a problem. Therefore, they can derive most of the iron and folic acid they need for body maintenance from diet alone except in cases of illnesses.

Absorption rate can also affect the quality of multivitamin. Some supplements don't absorb well and end up just passing through our organism. This is another thing one should keep in mind.

Finally, help regulate hormonal balance with Menopause Balance Complex. The fluctuation of hormones in women's bodies causes a chain reaction effect on body chemistry. This disrupts the normal body temperature, sleep patterns, and sense of well-being. This will help older women and younger women who have begun the transitional period of menopause. Scientific studies suggest that along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, consuming phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) may compensate for some of the reduced production of hormones during menopause.

It is not easy being a woman in today's society, getting the nutrition you need should be. The best multivitamin for women is one that can be trusted, has the quality control and testing to prove it, and has a landmark study proving its benefits.

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