Shopping for equestrian equipment is always fun. Riders need a lot of gear for their animals, especially is they are showing. A show animal will need more than one rug to get them through the season. Most owners like to have a set of show clothes not only for themselves but also for their horses. It is also nice to spend some time looking at all the options.
There is a rug for every occasion. These range from thick waterproof coverings for the very worst of winter weather, to light weight summer sheets that are used to keep the dust and flies off a show animal. Horse rugs are sold at practically all retail outlets, but it can be just as easy to buy one on line and have it shipped in a day or two.
One of the best places to shop for a new rug is the local tack store. Most riders have a favorite store in their neighborhood, where they can buy all the supplies they need to meet the day to day needs of their horses and ponies. From show boots, to saddles and everything in between. It is great to build up a working relationship with the store owner and staff, so they can help with questions and finding all the right equipment.
The new generation of winter rugs are really outstanding. Innovative designers have gone back to the drawing board to create horse clothing that really works. The styles are now made to fit all the contoured to really fit the animals body. The shoulders are particularly sensitive to rubbing from a rug that is too tight. Specially vented leg arches give plenty of the room for even the most rambunctious of horses to stay busy and not be restricted.
The latest rugs also have the advantage of being very light. Traditionally the older blankets were very heavy and difficult to use. Once they got wet they were even heavier. Washing them at the end of the season was almost impossible and they were not very hygienic. A new winter rug can now be laundered and put away ready for another year of use.
The lining of a winter rug is typically made of light polyester. The latest models have an added feature of a coating that actually helps to polish the horses coat. The new line of equine clothing has been carefully designed to prevent rubbing, especially around the shoulders. In the old days horses had very little hair left on their shoulders as their blankets had rubbed them all winter long.
Fly sheets are a fairly new product to hit the equestrian market, but they have proved very popular. Horses who are turned out in the field are bothered by flies, bugs and mosquitoes. A simple, lightweight mesh sheet can solve this problem once and for all.
All rugs should be washed regularly in a mild detergent. It is best to line dry them or at least avoid putting them in the dryer. They should be stored in strong zipped bags to prevent damage from rodents or insects.
There is a rug for every occasion. These range from thick waterproof coverings for the very worst of winter weather, to light weight summer sheets that are used to keep the dust and flies off a show animal. Horse rugs are sold at practically all retail outlets, but it can be just as easy to buy one on line and have it shipped in a day or two.
One of the best places to shop for a new rug is the local tack store. Most riders have a favorite store in their neighborhood, where they can buy all the supplies they need to meet the day to day needs of their horses and ponies. From show boots, to saddles and everything in between. It is great to build up a working relationship with the store owner and staff, so they can help with questions and finding all the right equipment.
The new generation of winter rugs are really outstanding. Innovative designers have gone back to the drawing board to create horse clothing that really works. The styles are now made to fit all the contoured to really fit the animals body. The shoulders are particularly sensitive to rubbing from a rug that is too tight. Specially vented leg arches give plenty of the room for even the most rambunctious of horses to stay busy and not be restricted.
The latest rugs also have the advantage of being very light. Traditionally the older blankets were very heavy and difficult to use. Once they got wet they were even heavier. Washing them at the end of the season was almost impossible and they were not very hygienic. A new winter rug can now be laundered and put away ready for another year of use.
The lining of a winter rug is typically made of light polyester. The latest models have an added feature of a coating that actually helps to polish the horses coat. The new line of equine clothing has been carefully designed to prevent rubbing, especially around the shoulders. In the old days horses had very little hair left on their shoulders as their blankets had rubbed them all winter long.
Fly sheets are a fairly new product to hit the equestrian market, but they have proved very popular. Horses who are turned out in the field are bothered by flies, bugs and mosquitoes. A simple, lightweight mesh sheet can solve this problem once and for all.
All rugs should be washed regularly in a mild detergent. It is best to line dry them or at least avoid putting them in the dryer. They should be stored in strong zipped bags to prevent damage from rodents or insects.
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