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Stay Warm And Look Great In Musto Fleece

By Jeannie Chapman

Musto fleece is a well-known name in outdoor, cold-weather wear. Fleece is a relatively new development that mimics the warmth and softness of wool while providing the ease of care of synthetic materials. Anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors can appreciate carefree and comfortable clothing and accessories that truly protect from wind, rain, and cold.

Fleeces used to come on the backs of sheep. Their woolly coats were sheared and turned into yarn for sweaters, blankets, coats, mittens, and scarves. Wool was valued for outdoor wear, since it stays warm even when wet and is soft and flexible. Woolen garments could last for years with proper care.

However, everyone is familiar with the drawbacks to wool. Many people are allergic to the natural fiber, while others find it scratchy. Moths love to eat it, so summer storage is tricky. Machine-washing is usually not a good idea, although wool can be blended with synthetic fibers for easier care. Drying with heat almost always causes shrinkage with pure wool, often making a garment small and dense.

However, fleece has none of these drawbacks, being entirely synthetic. Most of it is a hundred percent polyester, although there are blends with spandex and other man-made materials. Moths are not interested, shrinkage is negligible, and machine washing is just fine. Manufacturers suggest using warm rather than hot water to extend the life of a garment and also recommend avoiding tumble drying. This is not a problem, since man-made fleeces dry quickly at room temperature and don't wrinkle.

Synthetic fleeces are warm. They wick moisture away from the body and dry very quickly, which is great for drizzling days or quick dashes from one shelter to another. Although they are not windproof, they are so lightweight that they can be layered with wind and water impermeable shells that stand up to the weather. They are so good at what they do that they're becoming standard winter wear for sailors, skiers, equestrians, lumberjacks, and others who work and play outside.

Musto makes high quality outerwear for those who want to look great while staying warm. Their stable and riding jackets are good examples of functional fashion, with features like four way stretch to make both riding and ground work safe and comfortable. There is a special waterproof line for foul-weather sailing, as well. The jackets are tailored and are long enough to keep you warm while bending and stretching.

The company website shows many designs in a wide choice of color. Jackets, neck 'tubes', and headbands make hours spent outside pleasurable rather than miserable. The look is streamlined, with the warmth of the fabric itself eliminating the need for bulk. From vests to hooded barn coats, these fashionable fleeces fit the needs of all who work or play outside.

Outdoor activities are so much easier if you're not freezing, and everyone wants to look their best even while working. Check out Musto fleece garments and accessories to see how the proper gear can enhance your winter activities whether you are in the saddle, on a boat, on the slopes, or in your own back yard.

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