Do you think that these are the best solution for your problem?


By Hasting Wannamaker

Aging is all about living with vitality. We all see the connection between how well you age and how you live. Aging results for a variety of reasons, including a person's genes, and the external environmental factors in their life added up through the years. Carefully managing diet, stress levels, and physical activity are essential in reversing the effects of aging which results in your body repairing itself more effectively. Relaxation is key, because stress causes significant health problems. General positivity and simple laughter go a long way when it comes to long-lasting life.

Being as happy as possible will extend your life expectancy by as much as ten years, some studies have shown. To help slow down and reverse the aging process and increase longevity, be sure to get sufficient sleep to help your body relax, combine exercise with a lively lifestyle and monitor your weight. Saturated fat should be avoided, because the body wastes extra energy when too much fat is stored.


Your body needs vitamins and minerals to provide its daily functions, which range from converting the food into energy to carrying the oxygen into the blood stream. It's not an easy thing to do, to get all of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your body needs every day, with such busy lives in the modern world. Quality of life is affected as people age, and this is heightened when the proper nutrition is not being consumed. The aging process can not be stopped completely, but it can be slowed significantly using anti-aging supplements which can actually make you appear younger, and more healthy in time. You should consult with your doctor before taking any anti-aging vitamins and supplements.

Effects from aging can be combated by using supplements which include:

Antioxidant rich Vitamin A helps prevent age related disease and deterioration by neutralizing oxidation's harmful effects.

Another important vitamin is B3, which helps raise good cholesterol, lowers fat levels in the blood, and helps skin to look more healthy.

Vitamin C has a lot of uses, including it's serious antioxidant properties, skin firming and rejuvenation properties, qualities that fight cancer development, and it can also help to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin E improves the immune system and decreases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Vitamin K helps to break up blood clots that form dark circles around the eyes.


A healthy diet can make you feel and look young and can help slow down the aging process, thus adding more longevity and vitality in your life. Eating foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish and whole grains protects against many chronic conditions, which can shorten your life.

A good healthy diet will limit the total amount of fat that you eat in both meat and dairy products in order to avoid clogging arteries. Blood pressure can be inflated from too much sodium in the diet, so keep an eye on salt intake, and of course sugar must be carefully limited for the obvious health implications. Some people use exercise, a diet that is rich in nutrients, and anti -aging supplements and vitamins, but there are more options to appear more youthful such as Botox treatments for wrinkles, or possibly a face lift procedure.

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