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The Dr Miller Holy Tea Is A Wonderful Health Drink Concoction

By Rachael Gutierrez

It is not only hefty people that are flocking to purchase the Dr Miller Holy tea brews at health stores. Slimmers are swearing high and low that the stuff works like a charm and are leaving positive reviews all over the internet, newspapers and magazines. The extra bonus is that they claim the brew has helped many to relieve the nagging ailments and conditions that some have been sitting with for years.

The concoction is made up of a number of well-known herbs that have proved the test of time. The magic ingredients in this wonderful drink are the leaves of Marshmallow, Persimmon and Malva plus Holy thistle and Blessed thistle. In general many of us are unaware of exactly how toxic the food is that we consume and also the water we drink but feel powerless in changing anything about the system.

These herbs have been blended to perfection over a period of 2 decades and do a great job in detoxing and cleansing the body; particularly the colon. Due to the heavy processing involved in modern day foodstuff most of the essential enzymes are lost. We end up with all kinds of digestive problems that cause endless suffering and hardship. Parasites thrive under these conditions as well and they eventually penetrate and infest all the organs in the body.

There is no age restriction when it comes to drinking the brew and young and old can enjoy it.As all the required enzymes are present one can be certain that a thorough job will be done during the cleansing process. The brew can be diluted or strengthened according to liking and also which produces the best result.

This beautiful blend of herbs has individual capacities that have been known for centuries therefore the effectiveness of the treatment. The flavonoids and tannin in Persimmon leaves work wonderful. Anything from constipation, diarrhea, gastro, stomach, peptic ulcers or hemorrhoids can be effectively treated and cured.

The liver and gallbladder sufferers will certainly find relief when using Holy thistle as this herb has been around since forever and works wonders in the detoxifying process. It can also be used effectively for jaundice conditions and those that unfortunately have to take heavy prescription drugs can safeguard their liver by taking Holy thistle extract. Anyone diagnosed with HIV Aids should take the herbal extract as it will keep the liver detoxed and free from harmful infections.

The Malva, Marshmallow and Hibiscus all belong to the same family. Malva has been used for over 2000 years to deal with any problems in the digestive system. Renal infections, diarrhea, IBS and throat infections are just some of the conditions that it is used for. Marshmallow was a favorite of olden Greeks times and can also treat and cure a long list of problems including those affecting the digestive system and impurities in the blood system.

Blessed and Holy thistle can be used for a long list of infections and diseases. Among them would be heart conditions, smallpox, malaria, ulcers, and even cancer. The Dr Miller Holy tea brew was carefully developed and accomplished for over twenty years and is available to anyone worldwide. It is a welcome relief for modern ailments.

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