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Should You Buy Colloidal Silver Online

By Allyson Burke

You can save money when you buy colloidal silver online. This popular supplement has natural antibacterial and anti-fungal action and no known side effects if used as directed. It's possible to get the real thing in a high-quality and pure product from many sources. However, the internet is full of inferior and fraudulent things, too, so you have to be cautious.

Anytime you want to try a product, whether it is a cosmetic, a pharmaceutical, or a supplement, you must proceed with caution. We're all aware of reported abuses in every one of these industries, as well as with the food we eat and even the clothes we wear. Think of recalled pharmaceuticals, lipsticks found to contain lead, flame-retardant pajamas for children that proved to be dangerously flammable, and toxic peanut butter released into the market even after the manufacturer knew there was a problem.

So now what? Before trying an unknown product that you see online, get advice from your doctor, if you are fortunate enough to have one open to alternative medicine. Midwives are often very knowledgeable, as are naturopaths and chiropractors. There are many books by acknowledged authorities in the field of natural healing; check your local library where you will see many written by medical doctors, herbalists, and health gurus.

The internet is a good place to go for background information. You will want to know how a product works and exactly what it is. The term 'colloidal' means suspended in a liquid solution. This is a particular process, not to be confused with the electrical production of silver ions or 'silver proteins'. You want the actual metal in a dilution or strength suitable for your purpose.

The illness-fighting property of silver has been recognized for centuries, although the method of administration has changed. People in the old days did not understand why it worked, but they did rely on it to cure many problems. Today many consumers use it topically on cuts and burns and also internally to fight colds, fevers, infections, and viruses. Prolonged internal use can compromise beneficial flora in the intestine, so probiotics might be needed.

It is important to get a consensus of opinion about any herb, vitamin, or alternative healing compound. If several reputable sources agree, you should feel comfortable about accepting their opinions. Remember that anything can be posted online and that much of the 'information' you read on the internet is really advertising.

For a variety of reasons, it might be a good idea to go with major companies in the natural health field. There are many well-regarded producers of supplements that have good track records and a solid reputation in the industry. Online distributors often offer substantial discounts on name-brand products. They may have monthly or daily specials, buy-one-get-one deals, coupon offers, and clearance sales.

It can be both safe and economical to buy colloidal silver online. Just be sure that you can trust the producer and that you are ordering the real thing, not a cheap imitation.

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