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Plantar Fasciitis Sufferers Find Relief With Portable Ultrasound Machine That Is Compact For Home Use

By Cody Gardella

The bottom of the feet are the location of a connective tissue called plantar fascia. It is the connection between the heel and toes. A condition called plantar fasciitis causes acute pain when the individual takes his first few steps each morning. Now there is a Portable Ultrasound Machine available for reducing the pain.

Runners who wear shoes that do not provide enough support, obese individuals and pregnant women can be stricken. The onset and development are usually gradual. Plantar fasciitis causes an acute, stabbing pain in the heel.

The applications of ultrasound facilitate pain relief and heal the condition. Any ankle and foot injuries will heal more rapidly through use of these waves. Sometimes healing is accomplished in half the time.

Heat causing vibrations to the tendons and soft tissue deliver pain relief and relax the muscles. The swelling that accompanies the condition is decreased because the blood flow is increased. A portable home model can deliver these pain alleviating benefits in the home.

The advantages of the home model are compact size, affordable price and pain relief without keeping an appointment with a chiropractor. When it is available right at home it becomes routine to use it daily. It benefits the sufferer by reducing the level of pain and healing the foot faster.

Initially, some people questioned the safety of home use. They wondered how an untrained individual could manage it. However, the portable models deliver a pulsed series of the waves, unlike the larger in office versions. They deliver a continuous wave. The pulsed waves are effective because they are used every day.

Before purchasing the Portable Ultrasound Machine, check for the following inclusions. The waves it emits should be 1Mhz. A manufacturer should be reliable and the unit should have FDA approval. For financial protection it should carry a one

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